o lugar, entre-lugar e o não-lugar da palavra-corpo

domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2010

In Spite of Wishing and Wanting

Director, choreographer, actor and photographer Wim Vandekeybus was born on June 30th, 1963 in Herenthout (Belgium). Brought up in a rural environment as a son of a veterinarian, Vandekeybus was often in contact with animals in their natural environment. These experiences had a great emotional impact on him. Animals, their movements, their instinctive reactions and their trust in their own physical power are often integrated into his performances.

He began his studies in psychology in Leuven, but did not complete them, irritated, as he says himself, by the surplus of 'objective science'. His interest in the complex relationship between body and spirit remained. A workshop with the Flemish theatre director and playwright Paul Peyskens brought him into contact with theatre. He followed some dance courses (classic, modern, tango) and took up film and photography.

Wim Vandekeybus' mainly draws his inspiration from the world surrounding us and life in all its aspects. Encounters with nature, people, different movement forms and styles, music, film, literature, theatre, … form the seeds for his creations.

Over the years Wim Vandekeybus has experimented with different media and has involved collaborators from very diverse nationalities and backgrounds in his work.

His creations are formed through confrontations and cross-fertilizations between the different artistic collaborators during the creation period.

For the realisation of its projects Ultima Vez relies on a network of important partners.

Dancers / performers in Wim Vandekeybus' productions are full partners in the creation process. When selecting his dancers, who bring along their very personal world of language and movement, Vandekeybus lays the emphasis strongly on the personality of the performers rather than solely on their technique.

From his very first performance music / sound has been an important stimulus for Vandekeybus' productions. He has commissioned works from, among others, Peter Vermeersch, Thierry De Mey, David Byrne, Marc Ribot, Eavesdropper, David Eugene Edwards and Mauro Pawlowski. The music is mostly composed during the creation process, stimulating the creation of the performance/dance and vice versa. Often Wim Vandekeybus makes an appeal to sound designers such as Charo Calvo or Josh Martin to create the overall soundscape for his performances and or films / videos.

Another important fascination is the medium of video / film. Not only are films an important source of inspiration, they have also become important media in which Vandekeybus expresses his intense imagination. Vandekeybus discovered the medium of film during the realisation of his first dance films – based on the choreographic material of his debut performances - in co-direction with Walter Verdin and Octavio Iturbe: Roseland (1989) and La Mentira (1991). A few years later he started writing and directing fictional short films. Made as part of his stage performances, they jumble up the order that is brought on the stage; they amplify the energy of the performance and introduce other places and moments in time into the performance.

Literature has always been an important source of inspiration for Wim Vandekeybus: the bizarre and magical worlds of writers such as Paul Bowles, Milorad Pavic, Julio Cortázar and Pier Paolo Pasolini are important reference points throughout his oeuvre. While in his first performance the instinctive body, the body of the reflexes is at stake, Vandekeybus increasingly introduces theatrical and anecdotal elements as well as literary and mythological references in his creations.

The dramaturgic discourse in Wim Vandekeybus' creations is developed during the creation process. His work starts from the conviction that life is very complex and chaotic and that in spite of our efforts to make sense of it, it remains a place beyond our understanding, over which we have no control. Although creations begin from a theme, stories, texts or images, it is only during the creation process that the meaning, intentions, form and content are developed. In more recent productions, text takes a more important place. Vandekeybus collaborates with authors such as Peter Verhelst and P.F. Thomése who attend the creation process and write texts based on the developments in the studio.

The objects and materials that Vandekeybus uses for the scenography of his performances are very diverse: stones, wooden platforms, tree trunks, ice, hooks, feathers, earth, … Often also the films take an important place in the scenography. Both scenography and costumes get their form during the creation process in relation to the development of the performance and each other. They are the result of exchanges of ideas, collaborations and confrontations with other people, collaborators and artists.

Ultima Vez has always functioned as an independent structure, relying however on an important network of co-producers and partners. The performances are realised with the financial, productional, infrastructural and/or promotional input of international co-producers. With some partners a more structural partnership has been set up. From 1993 to 1999 Ultima Vez was ‘artist-in-residence' at the KVS. From 2000 until 2001 Ultima Vez was structurally co-produced by the Festival of Flanders Brussels-International. Between 1999 and 2002 Ultima Vez was ‘guest dance company' at Teatro Comunale di Ferrara. Since 2002, with the new direction of the KVS, the partnership with this Brussels city theatre has found a new form.

segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010

O céu e as cidades

o teto
o reto
o concreto

paralelo entre mundos
dividido pela linha
o auge da vista
a risca

o temido e admirado

"Piramid Song" Radiohead / movie: "Der Himmel uber Berlin" ("Wings of Desire") Wim Wenders - 1987

"Lisbon Story" trailer - Wim Wenders (1994)

Pina: Wim Wenders

quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2010

O beijo

O beijo...
Ah o beijo!
dois corpos
duas histórias
Num só momento.

    O beijo - Gustav Klimt

terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010

Blush - a film by Wim Vandekeybus

"And if you ever leave before I wake
I will follow you in dreams,
a snake around your feet, your arms, your neck.
Sleeping in your hairy day, chasing all your fears away at night.
Nothing's right and nothing's wrong,
just as long as you will stay.
But if you decide to disappear, disappear without the trace.
Don't save a single kiss for
I will search and find a thousand seas to drown my memories of you.
Swaying hair like seaweed
Dolphins wear your smile.
Fish's lips as soft as breasts.

Everything weighs last in water, even grief
So if you want to leave me,
but do it just the way a tear drops into the sea ."
- Peter Verhelst and Ultima Vez

domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010

As cidades e o início do desejo

A surpresa de uma viagem a um lugar distante encheu-me de alegria e insegurança, uma vez que nunca havia saído de minha terra natal. Mais do que isso era o desejo do desconhecido ou, como todos nós conhecemos, a vontade de atravessar fronteiras e ver com olhos de estrangeiro o outro e principalmente sentir o novo lugar.
Nada como vivenciar novos cheiros e poder sentir na pele outro clima, inverno, frio, sotaque sulista...estava no Rio Grande do Sul, mais precisamente em Passo Fundo, para mim outro país...onde as palavras e o sotaque eram mais do que época não me importei com a diferença, mas hoje percebo nitidamente que este foi o começo de uma longa história que na verdade ainda não encontrou seu fim.
Apaixonei-me pela dança tradicional gaúcha e pelos gaúchos, é claro. Que povo bonito e educado. Que loucura, ainda estava no Brasil e havia conhecido um espaço além da fronteira da minha pequena-grande São Paulo, meu berço e meu refúgio, meu cárcere e meu túmulo.
A dança, como sempre, proporcionou-me este conhecimento e como tal, plantou em mim esta semente errante: a vontade de viajar e conhecer o outro distante.
Alguns anos depois, estava eu embarcando para o Japão. Tinha apenas dezoito anos e já estava perdidamente apaixonada, enamorada de um jovem artista plástico que por sua vez plantou novas sementes em mim: a arte e o gosto pela leitura. Além do querer escrever...naquela época não havia tanta afinidade com as tecnologias, então a carta era o veículo mais expressivo e sensível que dois apaixonados poderiam ter. Nunca me esqueço da espera e da sensação de chegar da rua, abrir a caixa de correio e receber a tal carta...(nunca mais senti esta magia, já que os emails são tão imediatos e fugazes).
Lembro-me com orgulho as vezes que com um microfone consegui gravar coisas que gostaria de falar pessoalmente e é claro músicas que me faziam companhia até então...fechava-se um velho ciclo...
Os anos foram passando e a vontade nunca morreu, pelo contrário, cresceu e tomou proporções inimagináveis...logo estava eu me mudando para Minas Gerais, com uma mala cheia de amarguras e de desilusões, mas ao mesmo tempo, cheia de esperança de  um amor perfeito, daqueles que perdoa e tenta curar as feridas e as amarguras do que se passou...
Mais uma vez, a vida mostrou sua verdadeira face e por infortúnio ou destino fui trocada por outra paixão...amor...sei lá...
Inferno, buraco negro...o lugar por onde andei meses...inconsciente e ao mesmo tempo ciente da troca...cruel e necessária...quase morte...oportunidade para um renascer em mim, não era mais a namorada do...era a Dani...a mulher...a que teve que  calar e esperar...
A cidade de Belo Horizonte vista da praça do Papa é perfeita, e só pude perceber quando fui levada pela pessoa que se tornou uma das mais importantes para mim em BH: Carolina...como esquecer a imagem,  o traço, as palavras, o abraço amigo...nunca, é como uma tatuagem que ficou e marcou o início de uma nova e grande amizade.

Ahhhhhh e o vento, como gosto dele...como gosto de viajar com ele...
A falta, a sempre presente ausência, é a minha companhia.
Agora histórias, contos, poemas. Palavras ao vento...em busca de um momento, o tempo.

quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010

Criando o blog...

Bom, há muito tempo tenho a vontade de escrever um blog e compartilhar experiências...tentei uma vez quando estava na universidade, mas isto não durou muito...agora sinto a necessidade de movimentar a dançar a idéia...

Como esconder a vontade se a necessidade é urgente...tenho saudades de pessoas e lugares que fizeram de mim o que sou agora...folha ao vento!