What kind of interactions are being promoted by social networks like Facebook? Would it be possible to create a network that focused on body movement for communication.
Mov Post is a continuation of a project called Videocartas, from the dance collective Movasse-Coletivo de Criação em Dança, that resulted in the Imagens Deslocadas performance (Rumos, Itaú Cultural 2006/2007). The idea for the final performance was to create different ways for the dancers to communicate with each other, through video and without words or physical meetings.
However, something interesting happened. These video-letters, which had been thought of only as a byproduct of the creative process, ended up providing interesting material, rich for exploration, due to the infinite possibilities presented in its creation and open-ended format.
With the project MOV POST - Movasse no FID 15 anos, the collective aims to create a social network using short videos called Mov Posts, this time using Facebook to facilitate the exchange of communication. Therefore, body movement and its relationship to space will again be the focus of these exchanges.
One of the the goals of the project is to bring dance closer to people, making them realize how movement is present in their lives; and to question the idea that these actions can only exist in conventional spaces or within more established formats, like the theater, videodance or performance.
Once posted on the internet, the five Mov Post Matrices - initial set of videos made by the collective - participants will be able to create their own Mov Posts, called Derivatives. Mov Posts should be at most 1 minute in length, and provide a reply or a comment to any other Mov Post, Matrix or Derivative, already shared on the network. To facilitate this exchange, Mov Posts should always be posted and shared on the Mov Post profile on Facebook.
The project starts on August 20th, 2011, with the posting of a video that introduces the ideas of the project and also provides instructions on how to participate.
Participants can contribute videos until October 22nd, 2011. Shortly after this date, a multimedia installation will be built to showcase the initial results of the project. The installation will consist of computers showing some of the videos and comments posted on the project’s Facebook profile.
Movasse – coletivo de criação em dança
Dancers: Andrea Anhaia, Carlos Arão, Cibele Maia (invited), Ester França e Fábio Dornas
Video editing: Chico de Paula e bailarinos
Production: Cibele Maia e Silvana França
FID - Fórum Internacional de Dança - with Ester Monteiro, Andrea De Azevedo Anhaia, Richard Guillet, Dorothé Depeauw, Daniele Nakashima, Carlos Arão Martins, Fábio Dornas, Thiago Hersan, Alice Botelho, Mov Post, Carla Lobo and Kícila Mirielle de Sá.
written by Movasse
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